About Me

Juni 21, 2018

Hola, my name is Nurul Laili Hidayati. You can call me lula or lely. But generally, they call me Lula. Here we go, I will tell u about my short name.

            When i was child, my sister hasn’t spoken fluently. She was in trouble when she called me. So she gave lovely name to me, that is Lula. My family really liked the name. So I used that name in my social media like facebook, twitter, and my first blog. First impression in Junior High School, I introduced myself with Lely’s and Lula’s name. A half of my friend called me Lula, and the others called me Lely. And it turns Im not the only students who had Lely’s name. Therefore, my short name is Lely a.k.a Lula.

Alhamdulillah, i was born as a muslim and im very grateful. I was born in Malang Indonesia, 1997. Im a lady with blood type A. As far as we know, people with blood type A is structural, diligent, etc. And Idk what kind of coincidence it is, but it is me. In a nutshell, im a ENTJ woman.

I was join Blog since 2011, when I was Junior High School. I was remember when i often update status in my fb. My uncle suggested me to made blog. After that, I tried made my first blog, bocah-sekolahan.blogspot.com. in there, I shared everything what i want shared liked poetry, task, story, opinion, etc. And if u know my template is very alay and shameful. But trustly i very sad bcs i forgot my pass and email. So, I must make new blog again. And here it is, please enjoy it!

Ily readers 🌸

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4 komentar

  1. Main ya ke blogku www.hailogue.com

  2. Halo lula, salam kenal
    Berawal dari twitter, jadi bisa sampe kemari hehe Artikel diblogmu menarik untuk dibaca, tulisannya mengalir kek air :D Semoga tetep semangat berbagi melalui tulisan blog ya! Mampir juga ya di blog aku wkwk www.masiptek.com

    1. hoiya kak rezki, salam kenal juga.
      waduh makin semangat aja!
      sudah mampir kak, bloognya bagus banget!! saya jadi iri, hehehe
